
Almost every year, I start the year off by making New Years Resolutions… this year was no different — I again made some very challenging resolutions. Usually at the end of the year I report on how I did, but since we’re about half way through the year, I thought I’d take a look and give myself a mid-term grade.
So here’s were I stand….
These are my resolutions for 2017, simply stated. If you’re at all interested, the rationale for making each one can be found in the original blog… just look in the December 2016 archives.

•I resolve to not send a text to someone sitting in the same room… or even the same house.
Well, I had the best of intentions, but I haven’t lived up to my resolve — I’ve only done it a couple of times and it was to share a picture that I’d received… but I’m still trying

• I will take a selfie this year
I still have the best of intentions, but I haven’t been able to pull it off yet — but, there’s still a lot of time left, so I’m optimistic.

• I will not save my fortune cookie message in my wallet
So far I’ve accomplished this one bigly… maybe some of the reasons are that I no longer carry a wallet, only a credit card holder — and — I’m not sure we’ve been to a totally Chinese restaurant yet this year….

• I will not come up with any new cool social media acronyms
I’ve lived up to this one “big league” — haven’t come up with a single one

• I resolve to be accepting
Well… can we just say this one’s in work?

• I will not buy bright colored sneakers or tennis shoes or golf shoes
Home run! I have been 100% successful — only got a pair of white sneakers. They are kind of bright, but I’m working on getting them dirty.

• I resolve, every day, to (try) to be better than I was yesterday… and today
Well, luckily I added the parenthetical expression to this one… I have honestly tried — maybe I’ll try to quantify it by the end of the year.

I keep saying that a very low percentage of people that make resolutions actually keep them and every year I say something like, “why bother?” But every year I conclude that even if you’re jut a little bit serious about wanting to make a change, the “new year” can be used as a clean slate to do just that….
Obviously most of my resolutions aren’t world changing, but I usually try to list a couple that I really would like to live up to. This is the first time I’ve stopped to take a mid-term review, so maybe I can improve on some things. Stay tuned for the “final” in December/January….
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