Witch Hunt

I watched a special on the ABC Network last evening about Watergate. I can’t say I heard or saw anything that I hadn’t before, but it brought back memories of what a sorry state the country seemed to be in back then.

I’m not sure why, but I perked up when I heard the term “witch hunt” several times. I had forgotten that Nixon had used the term. This morning I thought about it some more and decided the term jumped out at me because President Trump has used it often in the past few weeks/months. Both Trump and Nixon are and were of the opinion that they are/were treated unfairly.

Of course Trump and Nixon are not the the only politicians to believe they are/were victims of unjust allegations. Hillary Clinton referred to the Whitewater investigations as part of a “vast right-wing-conspiracy.”
I’m not judging anyone — I just don’t remember any other President (or politician) using the term “witch hunt.” I even googled it… and couldn’t find any more.

The point? There is no point — it’s just one of those things that I found interesting and it was a chance to practice my “extensive research” procedures. The only thing my research turned up was that political witch hunts in the U. S. date back to the very earliest days of the republic.
We should all remember the 1692 Salem witch trials, that focused on allegations of witchcraft and ended with the executions of 20 men and women — now that’s a witch hunt!
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