

Spoiler alert — brooms stand up all the time….
Back on 20 March I discussed possibly an urban legend that a broom would stand upright by itself on the day of the vernal equinox… I’d heard this for a few years and I tried it and it worked — the broom truly did stand alone.
I was (almost) a true believer. But my sharp scientific mind insisted that I try it again – when it wasn’t the equinox. I did, and guess what… it stands as good today as it did on the 20th of March. The picture at the right was taken today (April 4th). The broom had been “standing alone” for about half an hour.

I kind of really did want to believe there was some mysterious force (gravity?) involved, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Next thing you know I’ll probably discover that the Easter Bunny doesn’t hold true either — sigh…
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