Year in Review

If you check the entries on this blog about this time last year, you’ll find my annual post about New Years’s Resolutions. I always, or at least usually, make resolutions because that’s the thing to do. I probably will again this year, but before I do, it’s only fair to look back on last year’s and see how I did.
By now, you’ve probably scrolled back a year to check out my last year’s resolutions, so here’s the results…
• I will learn to recite the alphabet backwards in less than 10 seconds. — Fail. Turns out that Emily can do it, and can even sing the Alphabet Song backwards… actually, I can do it, I just don’t get all the letters in the right places.
• I will break a record (not sure which one yet,, it may be a personal record or maybe eve a world record of some sort) — Done!
• I will make a new friend every month — success (even though some of my new friends had to be imaginary…
• I will do something that I normally do, differently at least once a week — Pretty close… I even ventured out to try different flavored Blizzards at the Dairy Queen a few times
• I will not singlehandedly cause global warming — not sure, but think I may have succeeded on this one too
• I will try to do something nice for someone every week — I really did try….
• I also resolve to be less than perfect — this one was really hard, but I mostly succeeded.

So overall, I think I did better on my resolutions for 2016 than I usually do. Of course, as I eventually get around to admitting in this forum, resolutions mostly just don’t work. One reason is that if you make a resolution, that implies that you’re not already trying to accomplish what you’ve just resolved to do (or not do.) Even though it’s fun to make resolutions, they actually are only goals. We’d all be much better off if on January 1 of every year, we focused on our values, not goals. If we list our values and stick to them, goals will take care of themselves. Of course I’ll continue to come up with some resolutions or a wish list like I always have — so check back in a few days for my 2017 version…
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