The Day After

Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving — we did. All our kids and grandkids were here and there were no meltdowns and everyone seemed to have a good time.

So today is the day after Thanksgiving, also known a Black Friday. I’m not sure if it’s still true, but until very recently Black Friday was the biggest shopping day of the year and generally considered the official start of the holiday buying season. I said until recently… lately I’ve been hearing about “Black Friday” sales since about mid September. The stores used to open on Friday morning, but retailers pushed their opening times into Thanksgiving night and even earlier.

I saw on TV this morning that there have already been a couple of deaths and lots of injuries from people arguing over Black Friday “deals” and being crushed by crowds of shoppers. I have to wonder if we (obviously I’m talking about “other” people here) have become so greedy and uncaring that we just step over the bodies of dead or injured people as we rush to get the cheap xbox, computer, TV, or whatever. How pathetic is that?

I have never gone shopping on Black Friday — I like a good bargain as well as anyone, but to be honest I hate the crowds of people. The last thing I want is to be stuck in a mob of people fighting over trinkets. And  besides that, I’ve noticed that liquor stores never seem to have Black Friday sales. Only in America do people trample others for sales exactly one day after being thankful for what they already have….
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