
Well, it’s finally here — Election Day. You’ve survived over a year of election “talk” and you’re probably as fed up with it all as most of us, but it’s time for you to vote. And vote you must!
Vote for whoever you choose, but vote. Voting is not only a right, it’s a duty. You shouldn’t need a reason to vote, but here’s some in case you think you shouldn’t….

– It’s not just the President on the ballot. Local officials often make decisions that more directly affect you than those at the national level
– Voting is a right generations of Americans fought and struggled to win — and people in other countries are still fighting for.
– Vote so you can complain — if you don’t vote, you don’t get to complain
– If you don’t vote, someone else will — do you really want someone else deciding what’s best for you?
– Sounds trite, but every vote counts.
– And don’t forget — if you vote, you get a free sticker!
Vote with your head, or with your heart, but vote….
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