I (don’t) Wish…

I’ve been asked several times lately (we have really in-depth, stimulating conversations after golf) if there was something I never did but wish I had or if I’d like to change things I’ve done, or regret things… anyhow you get the idea.

There have been times that I might have listed my regrets and “should haves.” But I don’t wish that I had or hadn’t done any of the things I did because that’s what makes me who I am. I’ve certainly made plenty of bad mistakes and wrong decisions, but that’s called experience. If I hadn’t done those things I wouldn’t have learned from them.

I like my life right now — it’s not perfect, but it never will be. That’s not what life is all about. So no regrets for me — only gratitude for what those lessons taught me.

Well, ok, I suppose I do have one regret… I wish I’d bought 100 shares of Apple stock instead of all those iPhones, iPads, etc.
— 30 —


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