City of Champions — and Stracenskys

We took a trip to the North Coast, sometimes known as Cleveland, over the weekend. Been a while since we were there, so it was good to see a lot of people again.
We spent some time with Bobbie the Nun at Chardon and got a tour of pretty much the entire facility. By the time we left we knew how many laundry rooms, TV rooms, computer rooms, utility rooms and lounges were there and we met a lot of nuns — especially Slovak ones. And of course Bobbie sent presents home with us for everyone.
We also had a good visit with Margie and got to see her current residence. The place seems really nice and she appears to enjoy all the activities and the people there. And on top of all that, the food is good.
On Saturday night we went to dinner with a large part of the family — I don’t know what percentage of the family attended because no one really knows how big the family actually is. But we had a really good time and the Indians won a couple of games while we were there on their way to a sweep of the Blue Jays. No rain on the way there — or — on the way home… leaves were colorful…. traffic was reasonably light… what more could you ask for? Well, maybe a Browns victory?
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