One Down, One To Go….

Well, we made it through the Republican convention and the Democratic one is underway.
I intend to give equal time to both the Democrats and Republicans by watching each the same number of hours. As I’ve indicated recently in this blog, they’re just not what they used to be.

I generally don’t talk politics. Politics and religion are personal things and no one should influence your thoughts except yourself and no one should follow any political or religious leader blindly.
This November’s election is a contest between an insider and an outsider. I have no idea how I’ll vote, much less how the election will go. I suspect that a lot of, if not most, people will vote based on how they think the trajectory of their own lives is going. I’m no political analyst, but it seems that each party has fundamentally different views of the way life in the United States has changed. They both (say) they believe the economic system favors powerful interests but they differ on whether life is improving or getting worse for most people. Republicans are more likely to say things are getting worse because every election year the incumbent party argues that things have improved under their watch and the challenging party rallies around a cry for change.

Of course it’s easy to forget this isn’t just a Presidential election — lots of members of congress and local officials will be on the ballot, too. We should all pay attention to who’s running at all levels. Mark Twain said, “No man’s life, liberty or property is safe when the legislature is in session.” That may be truer than you think, so pay attention.

So even though November will be here before you know it, I have a feeling that a lot of us are going to be pretty tired of politics by then….
We’ll see how things go, but I think a “joke” making the rounds unfortunately sums up a lot of people’s thoughts…. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are on a plane. The plane crashed. Who survived? America.
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