Happy 4th — the Porta Potty is Here

Well, not that I’m prone to forget the fourth of July, but it’s impossible at our house. Every year, a few days before and quite a few days after the 4th, a Porta Potty arrives at our neighbors and we’re treated to that sight every time we go out, or look out, our front door.

Every year the neighbors have a big Independence Day bash and apparently the guests aren’t allowed to use the indoor facilities, so the Porta Potty is put into use in their driveway. As the “party” is held on the back lawn, the guests have to walk around the house to use the potty — only a slight inconvenience, I suppose.
Sometimes I think West Virginia gets a bad reputation because of all the “hillbillies” and strange customs, but then when things like this happen, I think maybe the reputation has been earned over the years.

The holiday that we celebrate as Independence Day was officially created in 1941, but the tradition of celebrating it goes back to the American Revolution. It all started on July 2, 1776 when the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence and the Declaration of Independence (from Great Britain) was adopted by delegates two days later. Since that time, whether it was an official government holiday or not, Americans have acknowledged the 4th of July as the birth of American Independence. There’s lots of ways to celebrate the day — often with parades, barbecues, impromptu baseball games, families, friends and fireworks.
To each their own, but here on Field Crest Court we look forward to the Porta Potty arrival. Happy Birthday, America!!
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