Be Nasty….Or Not

Be Nasty Day is celebrated every year on March 8. As both my faithful readers know, I’m usually into holidays, but I’ve never celebrated this one. I think I know some nasty people, but to be sure I checked the dictionary — nasty is defined as”
• Physically filthy; disgustingly unclean
• Offensive to taste or smell; nauseating
• Offensive; objectionable
• Vicious, spiteful or ugly
• Bad or hard to deal with, encounter, undergo, etc.

So, based on that definition, I think I do know some nasty people. But I still don’t know how to go about celebrating Be Nasty Day. Should you attempt to reform nasty people by turning the other cheek and being extra nice, or should you show everyone your nasty side? Maybe we should all just think of nasty things to say to people, like…. I’m not anti-social — I just don’t like you, or something similar.

Actually, I’ve decided, we don’t need a day to be nasty – there’s enough nastiness to go around every day. So on this Be Nasty Day, I’m choosing to celebrate it by being nicer to nasty people rather than being nasty for the day. I think Buddha said to be kind to unkind people; they need it the most!!
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