Last evening I was watching the Super Tuesday election results. I noticed that a few times I found myself saying, “Wow.” I got to thinking about that word — you don’t necessarily hear it a lot, but when you do, you know that whatever caused the expression to be spoken had gotten the undivided attention of whoever uttered it. I’ve heard that if you make something or say something that elicits the “wow” response, you’ve done or said something special.
From what I can tell, wow is a 16th century Scottish interjection — a natural expression of amazement.

Funny how a little word can express so much. Sometimes we use the word wow when we see something of beauty, or when we see something terrible, or when we see something we don’t understand, or miraculous — we use it for differently all the time… But when we use it, one thing’s for sure — whatever made us say it, has captured our undivided attention.
Next time you say wow, stop and think about why you said it — whether it was mundane or miraculous, I’ll bet it was amazing….
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