I Wish….

Well, there’s now less than 9 hours left in 2015. Just like every year of my life, it’s been a good year. Obviously some years are better than others for everyone, but If you’re celebrating, or just “here” and choosing not to celebrate — it’s been a good year.

Since I’ve given up wishing for a new Ferrari, or even that Segway, I truly do wish for more peace, freedom, understanding and forgiveness for everyone — around the world. I wish 2016 could be a year without wars, misery, injustice and inequality. I wish the new year could arrive and find us all more humane.

Mother Teresa said, “Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.” I guess that would work for years, too. 2015 is gone, and 2017 is a year away. So it’s 2016 — Let’s begin.
— 30 —


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One Response to I Wish….

  1. Chris says:

    Going to play the lottery and will get you the Ferrari and Segway if we hit it big!

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