Happy 2016

Well, there’s only a couple of days left in this year, so it’s about time for the annual ritual of making New Year’s Resolutions. Both the faithful readers of this blog, know that I usually make resolutions and like most people, I don’t keep them…. But this year is going to be different.

Before I get too far into this, I’ll pass on a bit of advice to my two faithful readers, who for some reason or another seem to have become infatuated with exercise. Anyhow, here’s my advice — if you’re considering buying any workout equipment, wait until about March and then check the classifieds. You’ll see tons of equipment being sold with the absolutely true claim that it’s “like new” or “used rarely.” You can pick up some good bargains.

But, back to my resolutions for the coming year…
• I will learn to recite the alphabet backwards in less than 10 seconds.
• I will break a record (not sure which one yet, it may be a personal record or maybe even a world record of some sort. I’m very excited about this one.)
• I will make a new friend every month.
• I will do something that I normally do, differently at least once a week. (For instance I usually order an Oreo Blizzard at Dairy Queen — maybe I’ll order an M&M Blizzard instead. I’m also very excited about this one.)
• I will not singlehandedly cause global warming.
• I will try to do something nice for someone every week.
• I also resolve to be less than perfect.
So there you have it — a new year, new beginning and new resolutions.

I mentioned earlier that most people, including me, don’t keep their resolutions. So why bother? Someone said that New Year’s resolutions are a triumph of hope over experience. They are a means of cataloguing personal dissatisfactions and a method of erasing errors of the past year. I guess that’s true — New Year’s resolutions are about hope.

But then again, who says I need to change, anyway? Even though I don’t think so, I may be just perfect the way I am. Maybe all my quirks aren’t things that need to be fixed, but things to be celebrated as unique to my personality and life. Maybe this year I’ll just focus on the things I like about myself and leave this year’s improvement plan for another year. I haven’t decided — check back in March and I’ll let you know which course I chose for 2016.

Happy New Year to all…..
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