
I’ve always heard that no two snowflakes are exactly alike. Most people have probably heard it and if you asked then what they know about snowflakes, I bet the thing most people would say first is that, “no two are exactly alike.” But is that really true? In all of time and in all the snowstorms that have hit the earth, has there never been two snowflakes alike?
Now the fact is, if you’re like most people, it’s not a big deal to you and you’d just as soon leave well enough alone and assume it’s true — or not true.

Although snowflakes are one of the things I wonder about occasionally, I’m not really concerned enough to do my usual extensive research on the subject.
But I got to thinking — snowflakes seem to get a lot of credit for being unique in that there aren’t any two alike. I’m thinking there are other things that fall into this “not alike” category.

If “no two alike” means exactly — then that includes almost everything. Almost nothing in nature is exactly alike. I don’t ever remember seeing two leaves or two trees or flowers that are exactly alike. And I’m told that no two people have the same fingerprints….

Actually no two situations are alike and no two people are exactly alike and no two individuals react alike and behave alike under normal or abnormal conditions.
I think that’s a good thing — even though I admire certain attributes in others, I prefer being my own unique person — kind of like a snowflake, I guess….


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