Frozen Food

It seems like chickens have been making the news a lot lately. You can hardly read a newspaper or watch the news without at least one story, or more, being about bird flu or the price of eggs. I guess that’s what reminded me of one of our (basically Claire’s) experiences many years ago.

If you’ve ever lived in Southeast Asia, you know the climate is tropical — kind of on the “steamy” side lots of the time. Because of this, and probably some other good reasons, Claire had instructed our cook to be sure to store any fresh meat she bought at the local market in the freezer. She told her to put it in the freezer as soon as she got home. One day when we came home from work, for some reason, Claire opened the freezer and discovered a barely alive chicken. I’m pretty sure it was suffering from hypothermia among other things.

I don’t remember exactly how Claire handled the situation, but she was good in these circumstances.
I’m just glad the cook didn’t buy pork that day……
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