
The news this morning said that President Trump now wants to take over Gaza. Seems like he’s got his sights set on a lot of the world. A separate article indicated that scientists have re-set the “Doomsday Clock” — this time closer than ever to…. well, doomsday.

It certainly appears that the hope for peace is becoming dimmer every day. I’ve mentioned recently that I have American Indian blood and over the years I’ve studied and read a fair amount about their history and heritage. I’m not sure why, but today I thought about something that Black Elk, a Oglala Sioux said — it just strikes me as being appropriate for today’s blog…..

“What is Life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. The True Peace. The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells Wakan-Taka (the Great Spirit,) and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us. This is the real peace, and the others are but reflections of this. The second peace is that which is made between two individuals, and the third is that which is made between two nations. But above all you should understand that there can never be peace between nations until there is known that true peace, which, as I have often said, is within the souls of men.” 
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