If you’re like me, you’re probably tired of hearing presidential candidates go on and on about how only they can solve the nation’s problems and they’re the only ones that can save our declining nation. Of course a lot of the “problems” they intend to solve are over-blown or non-existent to begin with, but these claims seem to make them important.
The other evening after listening to one of their ads, I thought about a long time ago when I was in Vietnam. There was an elderly gentlemen that served as kind of a “night watchman” for the building that I lived in. I paid him to keep an eye on my motorcycle and we became pretty good friends. There was a curfew and I usually came in about that time and I’d often stop and talk with him. The streets were pretty much empty at that time of night and it was nice to sit and listen to him — he had lots of stories or “legends.” I remember one he told that was about someone having a distorted impression of his own importance. I hope I can remember enough of it to do it justice…..
There was once a famous Vietnamese statesman whose name was Ly. Ly was very short — he was so short that the top of his head was only about up to a normal person’s waist. Statesman Ly was sent to China to settle a very important political problem with that nation. When the Emperor of China looked down from his throne and saw this little man, he asked, “Are all the Vietnamese people little like you?”
Lys’s answer was “Sire, in Vietnam, we have both little men and big men. Our ambassadors are chosen in accordance with the importance of the problem. As this is a small matter, they have sent me to negotiate. When there is a big problem between us, we will send a big man to speak with you.”
The Emperor of China thought about that — “If the Vietnamese consider this important problem only a small matter, they must indeed be a great and powerful people.” So he lessened his demands and the matter was settled then and there.
I wonder if the matter could have been resolved as easily if the network news channels or the Internet had covered the meeting…..
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