Don’t Look Away

There’s  lots of things I don’t understand. One thing I’ve never understood was why some people find it difficult, or refuse, to say “hi.” I grew up in Maysville, Oklahoma — a small town where everyone knew each other and everyone spoke to each other. As soon as I moved away from Maysville, I noticed that very often people would just stare at me when I greeted them — or — just ignore me completely. I didn’t get it then, and I don’t get it now. Seems to me that’s just common courtesy. 

And I never thought about it until more recently, but we really don’t have much eye contact with strangers — or some people that aren’t even strangers. 
How come? Are they afraid of us, or are we afraid of them? Why would you not look at someone and exchange greetings?

Obviously, I don’t know the answer to those questions. I used to go to work in the morning, get in the elevator, and if there was someone already in the elevator, I’d say, “good morning,” or “how ya doing” or something like that. A very high percentage of the time, they’d grumble, or say nothing and would invariably look at the floor or turn away from me. 

I will readily admit I have my own set of problems right now and probably shouldn’t be analyzing other people, but I’d be willing to bet that people’s attitude toward strangers is somehow related to their overall level of happiness. I can’t believe that someone that keeps their head down, frowns, or looks away from people would fall into the “joyful person” category. 

Again, I don’t want to sound like I’m giving advice, but whether someone is an introvert or extrovert, it doesn’t take much energy to look at someone and even say hello. That’s just being kind and respectful to others. I realize everyone has troubles, concerns, likes, dislikes, fears, etc. but making eye contact and speaking takes so little effort — and I’d bet that one little act would make most people feel better. 
Someone once said (or at least should have) that eye contact is the best way of communication. Who knows — it might even be the best way to happiness…..
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