Festive Dessert

Over the years, we moved around quite often. One good thing about those moves is that the government took care of packing and shipping our belongings. Maybe one of the bad things about those moves is that the government took care of packing and shipping out belongings.

We never had any serious issues, but we did have some “interesting” experiences, like having a bowling pall packed in the same box full of Waterford crystal, and having nothing stolen out of all of our effects except a box of umbrellas — just weird things like that.

On one move, when our belongs were unpacked, there was about 12 or 14 frisbees —they were all bright colors, looked brand new and were neatly stacked together. The only problem was that they didn’t belong to us. We didn’t think much about it and for some reason, either Claire or myself put them in one of the kitchen cabinets in our new apartment. I didn’t think any more about them until several days later we were having a dinner party for a few of our friends. We were again fortunate to have a very good cook and Claire told her that the people coming to dinner were very good friends and she wanted it to be “special.” 

As usual, dinner was great. The cook took away the dinner dishes and then served dessert. She came in with the biggest smile on her face and served everyone an individual dessert — each one in a different color frisbee. I didn’t know what to think, and the guests didn’t say anything. But the frisbees weren’t “flat” on the bottom, so they tend to roll around on the table when the guests tried to cut into the dessert (I think it was cake of some kind.) At that time both myself and Claire couldn’t keep from laughing. After explaining what we thought had happened to the guests, they thought it was pretty funny, too. I’ve never looked a a frisbee the same way since that night.
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