
My apologies for this entry — it’s just one of those days…..
I never meant for this to be a whining blog. I’ve tried to make it about something that has happened or whatever happens to be on my mind when I sit down to write something.

Unfortunately, for the past few days my mind doesn’t seem to be working and I can’t get away from, for lack of a better word, grief. 
I guess what I’m carrying around — call it grief or whatever — is for someone that I haven’t yet let go of. Obviously my mind has dwelled a lot on this subject lately. I”m not sure when two people were connected like we were, that the connection can be broken. Just a physical death doesn’t break the connection — it stays. I certainly have to listen differently, and I talk differently…. but the connection isn’t broken. I’ve decided that as long as I exist, that connection will be there.
— 30 —

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