Good Deed

You’ll have to trust me on this one. I can’t tell you where this happened for a number of reasons — I can’t tell you the reasons, either. But here’s the story…..

It was shortly after the first of the year and three of us were assigned to a project in the place I can’t reveal. An apartment had been rented for us and whoever occupied the apartment before us was apparently there for Christmas because there was a fairly large Christmas tree in the living room. It looked like it needed some water and was losing lots of needles. I assume it was decorated at one time, but there were no decorations on it when we arrived. 

The street outside our apartment had a rather big pot-hole in it when we arrived and it seemed to get bigger and deeper every day. After we’d been there about a week, one night we sat on the front porch having a few drinks and watching cars dodge the now cavernous pot-hole. Then we had a spontaneously brilliant idea — we drug the Christmas tree out of the living room and “planted” it in the pot-hole.

The next morning, having breakfast, we noticed that the tree was still there, and cars were avoiding the hole — that was now clearly marked, thanks to our ingenuity. When we came back to our apartment later that night, the tree was gone — and — the street had been repaired!
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One Response to Good Deed

  1. Suzanne says:

    Lol! People have put things in potholes here too…usually potted flowers though some other things have been quite original…none as big as a Christmas tree!🤣

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