
So it comes down to Butler and UConn – March Madness is coming to an end – in April. I really don’t follow college basketball very much, but I love March Madness. The NCAA tournament is fun – I like the set up with the winner having to win every game to advance. Maybe part of my looking forward to it every year is because it’s a sure sign that spring is coming.
But this year I’ve been particularly annoyed by the announcers. Actually, I’ve found them to be downright irritating. Overzealous is an understatement – I keep hearing “BRYANT FOR THREE!” and “OH, YEAH!!” and of course, the “POW!” I’m not sure why sportscasters can’t understand that just because you YELL, it doesn’t make it more exciting…

Here’s some of the phrases that I heard over and over this year (I guess I’ve heard them just about every year, but for some reason they were more annoying this year.)
They can’t buy a basket! – if you weren’t watching a basketball game, you’d think what the heck? Haven’t you ever gone to JoAnn’s or didn’t you ever hear of Longaberger?
Shooting from Downtown! – I guess any three point shot from behind the line must come from “downtown.”
Yesssssssssss! – Seems like I heard this a lot this year; hardly ever Nooooooooo!
Share the Sugar! – I believe this means that the player(s) should share the ball… I guess sugar sounds better than ball.
He has a hot hand! – Again, if you heard this and weren’t watching the game, you might well think that someone had stolen a prosthetic body part.
Take it to the hole! – This apparently means that a player drives to the basket instead of settling for a jump shot or shooting from long distance. Sounds more like it should be applied to a sport like golf.
Anyhow, you get the idea. So Monday night, if the game turns out to be a blowout, you can pass the time counting how many times you hear these cliches – unless, of course, you just turn the sound down.


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