Dawa and Elephant Stew

When we were much younger and living overseas, we had a well-stocked liquor cabinet because (1) liquor was very cheap (no taxes) and (2) we entertained a lot and for some reason back then people seemed to consume more mixed drinks or “cocktails.” At just abut any dinner party, guests usually had a cocktail of some kind and usually had wine with dinner. 

Anyhow, we knew how make lots of mixed drinks and discovered many others that were unique to the particular location where we were living/visiting. One of the more interesting drinks that I discovered while in Africa is called Dawa — it’s a legendary cure for ancient ailments. The first time I had a Dawa was in the Congo — later on the same trip when I visited Nairobi and asked for a Dawa, everyone was very surprised that I knew of the drink. Apparently they thought it was unique to Kenya. 

Dawa means “medicine” or “magic potion” in Swahili. The recipe that I have came from a restaurant in Nairobi, Kenya, called “The Carnivore.” It’s (was) a pretty cool restaurant —I’d call it a barbecue joint. But when I was there, it was licensed to serve gazelle, giraffe, and zebra. 
By now, you’re probably anxious to try a Dawa — so, as a public service, here’s the recipe:
8 tots vodka (a “tot” is a small amount of a strong alcoholic drink such as whiskey or vodka.)
8 ounces lime juice
4 teaspoons honey
Rub the rim of old-fashioned glasses with a lime and dip the rim into a saucer of sugar.
Mix, in a separate glass, all the ingredients and stir well. (I use a swizzle stick or Dawa stick.)
Warning:  Do not add ice,because it will congeal the honey and be difficult to stir. 
When thoroughly mixed, add ice to the glasses and pour in the finished Dawa.

I think you’ll probably like this drink and I think I should mention that it goes extremely well with Elephant Stew. I highly recommend it.
And to save you the trouble of searching, here’s my favorite recipe for Elephant Stew:
1 elephant
200 gallons brown gravy
30 rabbits
1 ½ gallons bottled hot pepper sauce
salt and pepper to taste
Cut elephant into bite-size pieces; cover with gravy and cook over fire at 465ª F. for 4 weeks.
This serves 3,800 people. If you are expecting more, add rabbits. But, this should be done only if necessary — people don’t like finding hare in their stew.
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