Serious Stuff

A few days ago President Biden indicated that he was going to have a ”come to Jesus” meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. When asked, Biden said that the expression “come to Jesus” was one that is commonly used in southern Delaware and that it means a “serious meeting.”

The phrase isn’t just common to southern Delaware — I think it’s pretty universal. I’ve heard it as long as I can remember and I grew up in Oklahoma. When I was young and my mother took me to the Baptist Church in Maysville, every church service ended with a “come to Jesus” moment. They always ended the service singing songs and the minister asking people accept Jesus and be “saved.” I think he was, in fact, asking them to “come to Jesus.”

I have a suspicion that the phrase originated from those kinds of religious services or activities — religions pushing for personal conversions to save their souls by turning away from the devil and coming to Jesus.

But today, the “religious” aspect of the phrase has gotten lost. People that say “we need to have a “come to Jesus” meeting are not just serious, but they’re really, really, really, serious. It’s meant to convey the importance of a meeting where some crisis is finally going to be addressed. 

I think it’s interesting that this phrase must have originated in the Christian community — I don’t ever remember hearing of a “come to Allah” meeting or “come to Buddha” meeting…..
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