Confession is good for….

Most of you have seen the TV ads that say “there’s an app for that.” Seems like there’s “an app” for almost everything. I was looking at the apps in the iTunes store a few days ago and ran across one called “Confession.” The description of the app contains the phrase, “the perfect aid for every penitent.” I am not making this up. The app costs $1.99 and is “approved by The Roman Catholic Church.”
The app apparently lets you pick a commandment and tick off all your sins associated with that commandment. If your particular sin isn’t listed, you can add your own… I didn’t see any thing that lets you randomly pick sins – I thought that might be handy – maybe in the next update.

It occurs to me that after you tick off a few sins, you might not want to leave your iPhone/iPod lying around – hopefully the app is password protected.
I’ve heard that the Catholics aren’t very progressive, but now with their own app – what will the Catholics think of next? Now you can sin on the go and confess on the go – future confessions will probably sound like, “Forgive me Father for I have sinned, my last confession was yesterday on my iPad.”
I’m thinking that you may see things like iCollectionBox – and – probably be able to use Paypal…

I know I’ve “made sport” of this app a little, but the fact is, it might not be such a bad idea – the church currently uses paper guides and pamphlets for various education programs such as CCD – I think it might be a good idea to provide that information to pre-teens and teens in an e-book or an iPad app.
I’m sure you’ll hear all about separation of church and technology, but who knows – there’s lots of ways to connect to God – maybe the Internet works, too.


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