The Ends of the Earth

I’ve often heard the term “the ends of the earth.” I got to thinking about that and it seems like all through history, all sorts of cultures and people have imagined images of far-off, mythical places with exotic names like Xanadu, Shangri-La and Pittsburg.

Phrases like “the four corners of the earth” and “the ends of the earth” suggest that somewhere in our plane of existence are some regions or locations farther away from us than any other.

I did a little extensive research and it turns out that “the ends of the earth” is mentioned 28 times in the King James Bible. 
I suppose that a long, long time ago most folks probably did believe that the earth was flat and really did have ends. 

Today, the term isn’t generally used so literally — it’s relative and pretty much open to your imagination. If you live in Paris or Rome, it could be you’re referring to the North Pole, or maybe the Amazon jungle — or, if you’re in some remote village in Africa, it might mean Pittsburg……
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