I, Jimmy, Do Resolve

Claire has asked me two or three times in the past few days if I’ve made any new year resolutions. I think I answered her with something like, no – but I guess I probably should. Every year, with the beginning of a new calendar, or year, people “resolve” to do, or not do, things in the coming year.
A study done by the University of Washington in 1997 found that 47 percent of the (estimated) 100 million Americans that make resolutions give up their goal(s) after two months. My suspicion is that if the study was done today, that percentage would be much higher.
I guess that the making of resolutions is a cleansing ritual of sorts where one makes an honest self assessment and vows repentance and a desire to do better, and if the intent is to be successful, it demands personal honesty.

The first symbol for the new year wasn’t the “baby” that we usually see, it was Janus – a mythical king of ancient Rome. You may have seen his image more recently used by Janus Insurance/Investment company – Janus is always depicted with two faces – one on the front of his head and one on the back. The Romans believed he was the god of beginnings and the guardian of doors and entrances. With two faces, he could look forward and backward at the same time. At midnight on December 31, the Romans imagined Janus looking back at the old year and forward to the new.

All the places and cultures of the world don’t celebrate New Year’s Day on the same date, but it is always a time for celebration and for customs to ensure good luck in the coming year.
So – not being one to break tradition – I decided that I should come up with some resolutions for 2011. This year I decided to be practical and only make resolutions that I have a good chance of keeping.

Here goes – in 2011 I resolve to:
• Watch more TV – it’s very educational (watching more means seeing more of the program before falling asleep…)
• I will never speak or text “LOL” – no matter how funny the joke or story is…
• Draw up a list of people that were nasty to me last year – I haven’t decided what I’m going to do with the list – yet…
• I will not tell the same story every time I’m around a group of people…
• I will get a haircut – probably more than once…
• I won’t yell at so many inanimate objects….
• I will always remember to specify that any drive-through order is “to go.”
• I will play more computer games – scientists say they’re good for you and improve your visual skills…
• I will be more imaginative…
• As I do annually, I vow not to tell anyone if I see a UFO….


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