Not Like It Used To Be

There’s an old saying, “they don’t make ‘em like they used to.” I guess you can pretty much say that about anything — actually, some things are made better than they used to be, but as the saying implies, most things are maybe not as good.

A few months ago, Claire bought some toothpaste from Costco. We’re not hung up on any one brand — she usually just bought what was cheaper, or was on sale. Anyhow, she bought Crest. I’m not an expert on toothpaste and honestly can’t tell one brand from another — but — I have to say that the Crest toothpaste she bought was terrible! When it was squeezed out of the tube onto the toothbrush, it was so thin and runny, it wouldn’t stay on the brush. By the time I’d brushed my teeth, there was toothpaste all over the sink, it had run down my chin and I usually managed to dribble some on my arm. As I said, toothpaste isn’t my passion and I rarely pay much attention to it, but it seems to me that I always had to use some amount of effort to squeeze the paste out of the tube. The toothpaste we bought kind of “poured” out of the tube — it didn’t seem like much of a paste at all. 

I’m not sure what type of Crest we bought (there are about 100 different “types”) but the last time I was at Costco, I checked and noticed that neither Crest Pro-Health with Scope or Crest Pro-Health boxes use the word “paste.” I guess that tells you something.

So anyhow, this isn’t meant to slam Crest — it’s just an observation. I guess they really don’t make things the way they used to….
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