What a Mess

Besides the various wars and shootings, the news is full of the mess in Congress. The Speaker of the House fiascos are only the latest in a long list of actions, or non-actions, that indicates that Congress is failing to perform.

For more than 200 years, Congress operated pretty much like the country’s founders envisioned. They usually forged compromises on the bigger issues and they competently carried out their authority to declare war, sensibly spend taxpayer money and keep the presidency in check. Unfortunately, that model seems to be dead. 

Congress consists of a weakened legislative branch, where debate is strictly curtailed, party leaders dictate the agenda and many/most elected representatives rarely get a say. Government shutdowns are a regular threat because the governing body can’t agree on budgets — among other things.

So what’s wrong with Congress? Congress is uncivil, too partisan, gridlocked and rarely passes any broad legislation that is in the public interest. And of course this is only a short list — it could go on and on…. And — apparently the American public (voters) isn’t ticked off enough to do anything about it. It appears that we’ve reached the point that many predicted…. and it shall come to pass that idiots shall roam the Earth, and morons shall rule the masses.
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