Lucky Charms

Yesterday was Friday the 13th — considered by many to be an unlucky day. Well, that got me to thinking — people do all sorts of things to change their luck, like carrying a rabbit’s foot, etc. I thought it might be interesting to take a look at things, or actions that people believe will bring them luck — or at least make it harder for bad luck to find them.

Sneeze three times before breakfast — the number three has been seen as a lucky number in many cultures and religions throughout history. In Europe, where this superstition originated, the number is associated with the Christian trinity.
Carry an acorn in your pocket — acorns, the fruit of the oak tree, are an ancient symbol of fertility and long life.
Sleep on un-ironed sheets — this is a superstition with unknown or uncertain origins. It’s good if it works, because probably not a lot of people iron their sheets theses days, anyway.  
Walk in the rain — rain has always been a sign of good luck, probably because it is so important too the success of crops. Before modern irrigation methods, a rainy season meant the difference between lean year and prosperous ones.
Wear your clothes inside out — this is another superstition that no one seems to know how it originated, but believing that clothing worn inside out, or backwards brings good luck is fairly widespread. I think our kids believed that if they wore their pajamas inside out, they might get a snow day…
Knock on wood — it was once believed that good spirits lived in trees and that by knocking on anything made of wood could call upon these spirits for protection against misfortune.
Ladybugs — many cultures believe ladybugs bring good luck. In German speaking countries, they are literally called lucky bugs — Glückskäfer.
Horseshoes — horseshoes are one of the oldest lucky superstitions, with various legends from different cultures attributing lucky powers to them.
Rabbit Foot — lucky rabbit foot keychains are popular symbols of luck. The original legend says that the left hind foot of a rabbit that is captured in a cemetery at night can ward off magic.

So if you had a bad day yesterday, you may want to check some of these things out before the next Friday the 13th comes around. But I’ve heard it said that bad luck is temporary — good luck lasts a lifetime with the right mindset. And I remember that my granddad always said that you make your own luck…..
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