Time Will Tell…

I don’t check Facebook very often, but a day or so ago I noticed our nephew, John, had referenced an article about time — it essentially said that people aren’t just “running late,” they’re basically just rude and inconsiderate. I absolutely couldn’t agree more. We all know people that are consistently late for everything; most of them think it’s cute, or it emphasizes how important they are.

I’ve written about time before in this blog, so I won’t discuss the same things again, but the posting on Facebook got me to thinking — about time, you might say. Time is viewed quite differently by Eastern and Western cultures and even different by various countries within these cultures. In America, time is truly money; in other countries, not so much. Anyone that’s traveled understands those different attitudes….

We all pretty much have an idea what time is, but in fact there has never been an acceptable scientific definition of it. We really don’t know how time works. Time only goes forward — never back. We remember the past, but we can’t remember the future. When did time start? I’m pretty sure it didn’t start with the Big Bang, if there was a Big Bang.

Anyhow, this time thing, including time travel, is way too complicated for me. But I’m glad we have time — if we didn’t have time, a good time couldn’t be had by all, or we couldn’t have a race against time, or a stitch in time and we couldn’t be ahead of one’s time. We’d stay up all night because there would be no bedtime and everyone wants to be in the right place at the right time, and most of us wish for better luck next time. I’m not sure you can actually buy time, but you can buy on time and if you don’t pay on time, you’ll possibly do time. Most politicians want face time, but in fact they give the public a hard time and some of them are (hopefully) on borrowed time. Postcards at vacation spots already have “having a wonderful time – wish you were here” printed on them… and as the song says, does anyone really know what time it is? Well, there’s no time like the present.

So even though we can’t scientifically define it, we just couldn’t get along without time. I once heard it said that God created time so everything wouldn’t happen at once. I guess I can go with that until I hear a better definition. They say lost time is never found again, and in case you’re wondering why I’m wasting my time writing this, just remember the time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time….
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2 Responses to Time Will Tell…

  1. Kelly says:

    I hate being late. But with Em now it always seems like we’re running late.

  2. Chris says:

    Well put UJ! Though I have to admit, no matter what I do I’m usually late. I may be way ahead of schedule so I feel I have time to do just one more thing which makes me late!

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