Weather Advice

The weather has always generated a lot of “sayings,” beliefs, and folklore. Some I remember when growing up, or have heard over the years include, “it’s dog days and snakes are blind, ye better be careful cause they’ll strike at anything that moves.” 
I remember hearing about dew poisoning when I was little…. if you got a cut on your finger or hand and got the morning dew in it the cut would never heal. A lot of people believed that it was hard for any cut or open wound to heal during the dog days. 

There are a lot of poems or “rhymes” about the weather — some I remember hearing when I was a kid, but they don’t seem so popular today —I guess if people are wondering about the weather, they just tune in to the TV weatherman/girl — or — check their phones. But if you want to forego those modern techniques, here’s some advice.

If you’re hoping for a nice, dry day, check for dew in the morning…..
When the dew is on the grass
Rain will never come to pass
When grass is dry at morning light
Look for rain before the night.

Claire always says you can tell if its going to rain if the cows are laying down, but you can apparently also predict the weather by looking at the cows (and horses) tails…
Tails point west
Weather’s at its best
Tails pointing east
Weather is least

And did you know that summer fog means fair weather is on its way….
Summer fog for fair
A winter fog for rain
A fact most everywhere
In valley or on plain

And of course roosters do more than just wake you up, they know something about weather too…
If the rooster crows at going to bed
You may rise with a watery head

And since we’re into August, it may be time to get prepared….
“For every fog in August there will be a snow come winter.”
Maybe it’s just better to sleep late on foggy  August mornings, just in case.
So weather, like a lot of things has its share of folklore….who knows, it may be as good a way to predict weather as satellites.
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