Where’s Hoffa?

Last evening’s news talked about the uncovering of some human remains — the newscasters and police were speculating about who they might belong to. That reminded me that there seems to be a name that comes up just about every time somebody finds human remains — doesn’t matter where — someone always speculates that it might be Jimmy Hoffa. 

On this date (July 30) in 1975, Hoffa, the former Teamsters president, arrived at the Machus Red Fox restaurant in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan — for a meeting with reputed mob leaders. He was never seen again. 

At the time of the meeting, Hoffa had already stepped down as leader of the Teamsters —his 13-year prison sentence had been commuted by President Richard Nixon in 1971.
Since his disappearance, theories about his final resting place have spread like the Canadian wildfires. Rumors have claimed that whatever’s left of Hoffa is buried under a swimming pool in Michigan, in a swamp in Florida and even beneath the end zone of the old Giants Stadium in New Jersey. 
As of now, no remains have been found.
Seven years after his disappearance, an Oakland County judge declared Hoffa officially dead.
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