A Southern Thing

A few days ago the subject was about dog phrases or “idioms” that have made their way into our language. One that I mentioned was “that dog won’t hunt.” That’s a dismissive phrase used to mean that a particular idea or approach is going to fail or that a certain accusation is false. The first time I remember hearing that one was during the Clinton Administration. I don’t remember why he said it — probably in opposition to something, but it was a phrase that I’ve remembered. 

Clinton was from Arkansas and I think the expression probably originated in the south. I didn’t check, but I imagine it’s an old hunting expression…. for most hunters, any dog that won’t hunt is pretty useless.

Even though the people in Oklahoma usually don’t admit it — I grew up in the south and sometimes southerners don’t say things directly, but use colorful phrases that gets the idea across better than a few words.
Maybe one day I’ll blog about some of the phrases I remember from when I was growing up….. 
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