2015 — new year, new day, new beginning….

That’s probably the goal of most of us today. When the calendar clicks over to a new year, it’s a cause for hope and a lot of us at least make an effort to implement some sort of change. People in all parts of the world go through the same process and lots of them have new year traditions….
In the Philippines, to ensure a prosperous new year, it’s customary to wear polka dots and eat round fruits. A tradition that originated in Spain is gaining popularity in the United States, at least according to an article I read a few days ago. It appears that the color of underwear that you begin the new year with influences your course for the year. Who Knew? In case you want to give it a try, here’s the guidelines for choosing the right color.
Red — you’ll have a year full of passion and romance.
Pink — a year of luck in love
Yellow — a year of prosperity, wealth, and success
White — a year of peace, harmony and happiness
Blue — a year of good health
Green — a year of better luck (in general, not just love)
I’m not sure what happens if you wear superhero underwear or something  with stripes, or flowers, or some other pattern….

But no matter what color underwear you choose, the new year brings with it the thought of a fresh start. The New Year Baby symbolizes just that – the rebirth of the new year. The baby symbol for the new year began in ancient Greece and Egypt. Some cultures tried to stop the use of the baby to symbolize the new year, but the symbol survived and even today is printed on cards, signs, banners, etc. year after year. The symbol was brought to the United States by the Germans.

I’m thinking a good tradition to get started here in West Virginia is to have a bottle of wine, but one that we’ve never tried before — if we like the wine, it’ll be a good year, if we don’t, maybe not so good. Now you may think this would be stacking the cards, but I don’t think so. All years are good, some are just better than others.

All this talk of new beginnings brings to mind something Mother Teresa once said — not sure she said it on New Years, but she might have: “Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”

Here’s to 2015 being the best year ever!!
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