
Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like the world is just growing more insane every day. Someone said they thought the Earth was God’s insane asylum — I’m beginning to think that’s true. 

I just heard on the news that more than 2 million liters of water from a reservoir in India was emptied on the order of an official who had dropped his smartphone into it while taking a selfie. 

Well, I figured this must be more “fake news” we hear every day. But I decided to check it out and so far as I can tell, it’s true. 
The official, Rajesh Vishwas, was picnicking with friends when he dropped his brand new phone into the Paralkot reservoir in Chhattisgarh State, where he lives. Now if that had happened to me, and if I’d looked at the options of considering it lost or draining the reservoir to retrieve it, I think I’d buy a new one. But not Mr. Vishwas, a government food inspector — he apparently decided that he had to have his phone back.

Initially, some villagers that Mr. Vishwas knew spent two days diving in the reservoir attempting to find the phone, but no luck. So he rented a diesel pump and drained about three feet of water from the reservoir — enough to irrigate about 1,500 acres of farmland.
Mr. Vishwas has been suspended from his job…. and the phone, when retrieved, didn’t work.
Heaven help us…..
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