Earth Day

I just heard on the news that the crazy/unusual weather patterns we’ve been seeing lately are the new normal — weather events are expected to be more violent from here on…. I guess those “lazy, hazy days of summer’ are gone. 

But nonetheless, today, April 22, is Earth Day. It’s also known as International Mother Earth Day.
Every year, Earth Day has a “theme.” The theme for 2023, the 53rd Earth Day, is “invest in Our Planet.” The idea being that businesses should shift towards sustainable practices. It’s interesting that this year’s theme is the same as it was in 2022. I guess maybe we didn’t make much progress last year, so we’ll try it again.

Senator Gaylord Nelson established Earth Day in the 1070s. He wanted to promote ecology and increase public awareness of issues pertaining to the environment. His move was prompted after seeing the horror of the oil spill in Santa Barbara, California, in 1969

So every year this day is set aside when humans everywhere take a minute to be grateful for our planet and the amazing natural resources we’ve enjoyed…. so far.
It’s our duty to see that our children and grandchildren enjoy those same natural resources. Let’s make every day “Earth Day.”
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