Stop the Party

Some of you know that I’ve been on a campaign the past few years to do away with Super Bowl parties. I’m not against parties and I’m not against the Super Bowl. I’m just against combining the two.
If you’ve read this blog about this time the last few years, these words are going to sound familiar. It’s a cause I’m serious about and I think it deserves the proper attention. 

Except for a year when COVID was raging, we’ve been invited to a Super Bowl party just about every year. But here’s the deal — I really do like football and I like the Super Bowl, but it’s impossible to watch the game at a Super Bowl party. The last Super Bowl party that we went to we had a good time — we almost always do. But the house was full of people that didn’t come to watch a football game. I’m sure a lot of the people there didn’t know who won — in fact, a few people didn’t even know who was playing. 

So here’s my annual argument against Super Bowl parties…..
If anyone is really interested in watching the game, they don’t go to a Super Bowl party — Super Bowl parties are all about the party. The fact that a football game is being played is just a good excuse to have a party. I propose that there should be no Super Bowl parties. The day of the game, football fans should stay at home and watch the game. Non-fans should do whatever they do on a Sunday.
Instead of Super Bowl parties, we should have Pro-Bowl parties. Here’s why — nobody watches the Pro-Bowl and certainly no one cares who “wins.” So it’s the perfect time to have a party. Gather all your food and drinks and friends and party away. Of course you must have the TV tuned to the Pro-Bowl, but no one will watch it — just like the Super Bowl, except the game doesn’t matter anyhow. This takes away any guilty feeling during the party, that maybe you should at least check out how the game’s going.

I realize this great idea hasn’t caught on yet, but I’m not giving up. Let’s all get behind my movement — it’s the right thing to do.
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