Ditch ‘Em

Here we are barely into the new year and a lot of people have said, “enough, already.” Of course I’m talking about those people that set themselves up for some major fails and disappointments.

The subject today, if you haven’t guessed, is New Year’s Resolutions. Invariably, most people (except me) make New Year’s Resolutions that are unreasonable and unrealistic.
(You can check the late December entries of this blog to see a list of my resolutions for 2023 that are completely reasonable and realistic.)

Anyhow, for all you other people — this day’s for you. It’s Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day. The day that sets you free from your first mistake(s) of the new year.

Every year on December 31, around about eleven or eleven thirty, we all believe that the approaching year is going to be different — that we won’t go back to our old habits and things will change. It’s a shame, but every year those New Year’s Resolutions are about as effective as an ashtray on a motorcycle.

So how do people (not me) celebrate today? It’s pretty obvious — they ditch those New Year’s Resolutions. It’s a guilt-free day to scrap those resolutions and get back to normal. And even though most people (not me) no longer want to continue keeping their resolutions, at least they got this far. So they can let the world know they gave it their best shot, but their resolutions have been officially ditched.

Statistics say that, on average, only 8% of Americans succeed in completely sticking to their resolutions until the end of the year.
But some of us — the proud few, will be better than we were in 2022….
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