Yearly Update

I know you’ve all been waiting, and it’s again that time of year when I report back to you on how I did with this year’s New Year Resolutions. You’re probably aware that in the past couple of years, I cut back on the number of resolutions I make. I’ve shortened my yearly list and made each resolution more realistic, with a better chance of success. I plan to go with that plan again this year. 
But, as promised, here’ s how I did with my resolutions for 2022….here’s last year’s list.

· Even though in the past, I’ve resolved to be nicer to people, this year I resolve to be extra nice to people that do exactly what I want.
+ I did pretty good on this one. I think, in general, that I was nicer this year… but in fairness, some people that I could have been extra nice to, didn’t do anywhere near what I wanted — something beyond my control.

· Although I don’t read, or understand, “Tweets,” and in the past I’ve resolved (unsuccessfully) to do one, this year I resolve to write one.
+ Well, I’m kind of proud to say that I still haven’t “tweeted,” and in all honesty I didn’t even write one this year. Seems like the whole year I kept hearing about the Elon Musk takeover of Twitter. And since it’s happened, I won’t be tweeting anytime soon — like ever. Musk buying Twitter was beyond my control and the reason I couldn’t complete this resolution

· Last year I resolved to become really good at procrastination — I think I’ll be able to accomplish that this year — or maybe next year.
+ I think I did really good with this one, I have a pretty long list of things I didn’t accomplish this year, so I pushed them into 2023. I guess I’d have to give myself a “job well-done” for this resolution.

· I resolve to be more optimistic in 2022 — I will always look at my wine glass as half-full, not half empty.
+ Once again, I think I did good — my optimism has increased. We increased our deliveries of wine and I now see my glass as not only half-full, but refillable.

So all-in-all I’d say I did pretty good with my resolutions for this year. Now during the next couple of weeks, I’ll put together my list for 2023…. seems like the older I get the harder it is to come up with resolutions that will make me an even better person. But keep checking this blog to see how I’ll strive to be better next year.
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