Back on Track

When I started yesterday’s blog, I seem to have gotten off-track a bit. I had originally intended to talk a little about some Thanksgiving trivia or as I like to refer to it, “statistics” I ran across the other day. Here’s some I found interesting — maybe you will, too.

The day after Thanksgiving is the busiest day of the year for plumbers.
The most hated Thanksgiving dis is tofu.
The first Thanksgiving lasted three days.
More people travel to Orlando, Florida than anywhere else on Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving is America’s second favorite holiday (after Christmas and before Halloween.)
Minnesota raises the most turkeys in the U.S.
Red wine is the most popular Thanksgiving alcoholic drink.
More than four-fifths of Americans prefer the leftovers to the Thanksgiving meal.
“Jingle Bells” was originally a Thanksgiving song.
Americans eat 704 million pounds of turkey every Thanksgiving.
The Butterball hotline answers 100,000 turkey-related questions every year.
Frozen had the biggest Thanksgiving opening of any movie.
Native Americans had many uses for the cranberry — not only did they eat cranberries fresh and use them as an ingredient in other foods, they also used cranberries to heal wounds and dye fabrics.
The first national Thanksgiving was declared by George Washington.

Feel free to use these as conversation starters around the Thanksgiving table — my compliments.
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