
Happy October — continuing my recent custom of writing about each upcoming month, today’s topic will be….October. 

This is the month when I guess we should get into the fall mood. Besides Halloween, there’s a lot of interesting days coming up this month — Leif Ericsson Day, Canadian Thanksgiving, Columbus Day, Ten-Ten Day, United Nations Day and Frankenstein Friday, just to name a few.

The full Moon in October is known as the Hunter’s Moon and arrives on October 9. Hopefully, the leaves will be more colorful this year than they have been the past few years. The main reason for the color change in the leaves isn’t autumn’s chilly weather, but the lack of light. The green color of leaves disappears when photosynthesis (from sunlight) slows down and the chlorophyll breaks down. Trees with a lot of sunlight usually produce red leaves, while other trees may turn yellow, orange or brown.

Today, October 1, has been a pretty noteworthy day in history….
On October 1, 1888 the first-ever National Geographic magazine was published.
On October 1, 1908 Henry Ford introduced the Model T car — it cost $825.
On October 1, 1971 Walt Disney World Resort opened in Orlando Florida.
And — since 1991, the International Day of Older Persons is observed on October 1. 

A recent study in Italy reported that October is the best month for conceiving a boy and for some reason the month of October is not mentioned in any of Shakespeare’s plays.

Folklore says that when deer are in a gray coat in October, expect a hard winter…. but it also says that a warm October means a cold February.
So looks like we’ve got a full month ahead of us — we best get started.
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