Ahoy Matey

Avast me hearties! Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Hopefully you all remembered this special day and are dressed in your finest swashbuckling attire. On this raucous day you’ll find the streets filled with landlubbers yelling salty sea dog phrases in each other’s faces.

Me wench Claire and myself will be doing our usual celebrating — it’ll probably take several days to recover.

I read an article a few days ago, questioning the need for Talk Like A Pirate Day… I don’t even know how such a question came up, but the answer is of course we do. If you stop and think about all the “holidays” we observe, Talk Like A Pirate Day makes more sense than most. I have to admit that this is mostly a “guy” thing, but I think me beauty Claire enjoys it. Wenchs, too, can “talk like a pirate.”

I really like to say phrases like Ahoy Matey and Arrggghhh — but the truth is that these phrases and terms like Shiver Me Timbers were actually created by Robert Louis Stevenson in his novel “Treasure Island.”

But I don’t care — nobody knows for sure that real pirated didn’t talk that way. Maybe the real pirates didn’t lead the glamorous life we imagine, but that’s the past — going forward, my idea of pirates is exactly what I want it to be.

And tonight me wench Claire and I will knock on all the doors in the neighborhood again and yell, “arrr, scurvy dog, I be needin to swill a pint or two of grog.” And as always we’ll be throwing out the blige rat and ye scurvy dog insults — all in all, another great day. Now I must find me pirate hat — fair winds, me hearties!!!
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