
A lot of times when we go to Costco, I get muffins — and of course at Costco, you get a lot of muffins.
Claire puts some in the freezer…. I like the muffins and it’s an easy breakfast — just eat them, or, if they’re frozen, pop them in the microwave for a few seconds. 

I’m not sure how this subject came up, but it did and a friend told me that muffins are just ugly cupcakes. I’m not sure if that observation was made to offend me or just made to see where the conversation would go. But it did get me to thinking…. I guess maybe it’s kind of true. But I like muffins and I like cupcakes — and — I’ve always heard that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 

I figured this was a good subject for some extensive research — you may not be surprised that I found absolutely no data that would support calling a muffin an ugly cupcake. But — I did run across some interesting stuff… a lot of states have official foods of some sort, like official state cookies or cakes, etc. 

If you’re a muffin fan, you may want to jot down this information….
I understand that this may be startling news to you, but I’m pretty sure that no state has an official state cupcake — but muffins are another story. 
Three states have passed legislation making certain types of muffins official in their states:
Minnesota  — Blueberry Muffin
Massachusetts — Corn Muffin
New York — Apple Muffin

Four states have unofficially declared state muffins, but legislation to make it official is pending:
Hawaii — Coconut Muffin
California — Poppyseed Muffin
Texas — Chocolate Chip Muffin
Washington — Blueberry Muffin

(I’m a little concerned that Washington is contemplating the Blueberry Muffin after it has already been claimed by Minnesota. It may not seem like a big deal, but civil wars have grown our of seemingly insignificant events….)
So to cupcake lovers, muffins may be ugly, but legally they have more status.
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