Happy Birthday

I know I sound like a broken record, but every year on this date I struggle to write this blog. Today is Claire’s birthday and I want to wish her a happy birthday and tell her that I love her, but there just seems to be too few words in the English language that convey those thoughts. Over the years, I’ve tried using different languages to get the message across — but it always seems inadequate.

And again, this year, I’ll come up short, but here goes — I love you. I suppose that can’t be said too often, but even when I think it’s impossible to love you more, you prove me wrong. Before you came along, I never knew what it was like to look at someone and smile for no reason, but that’s what happens when I look at you — and I think, good job, God!
I always say you deserve more, and you do, but Happy Birthday Menoi — I love you!!
— 30 — 

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