
We attended a function recently where there were a lot of people. When we were discussing the number of people, i said something like, yea, there sere was a gaggle of people there. Claire said that a gaggle meant there were a lot geese there… not people.

Well, of course, that got me to thinking about the collective names we give to groups of animals — we’ve all used terms like a flock of birds or a heard of cows. But it turns out that most groups of animals do have unique collective nouns to identify that specific group. For example, my extensive research on the subject found that the proper term for a group of eagles is convocation — but most people usually say a flock of eagles.

Some of the names I came up with were pretty surprising — actually more strange, and funny. Apparently most of these names date back to medieval times, but if you want to show off your vast knowledge on the subject sometime here’s some interesting names to choose from — some even seem appropriate, like a stench of skunks…. I’ve also included a possible reason the term was chosen (if I ran across it.)
A colony, cloud, cauldron or camp of Bats
A swarm of Bees
A herd or parade of Elephants
A band of Gorillas (Some believe this can be traced to military terms.)
A cackle of Hyenas (Refers to the animal’s famous laugh-like vocalization?)
A barrel or troop of Monkeys
An Unkindness of Ravens (May refer to ravens’ mythical reputation as tricksters or the false view that they are bad parents?)
An ambush or streak of Tigers (describes the animal’s motion and hunting style?)
A zeal of Zebras
A dray or scurry of Squirrels (describes the animals’ method of movement?)
A stench of Skunks (I’m pretty sure why this term was used.)
A herd, colony, warren, nest, down or husk of Rabbits (Only domesticated rabbits are referred to as a herd.)
A gang or obstinacy of Buffalo (Apparently the Buffalo is notoriously stubborn, so obstinacy became a fitting term.)
A caravan of Camels
A lack of dogs, but a litter of Puppies.
A drove or pace of Donkeys.
A school of Fish.
A gaggle or skein of Geese
A tower of Giraffes (probably makes sense.)
A troop or mob of Kangaroos.
A parliament of Owls

Even insects and bugs have collective group names…. we’ve all referred to colony of Ants and hive of bees, but a group of Bees are also referred to to as a grist or swarm. Here’s some more…
An intrusion of cockroaches.
A business of Flies
A cloud or horde of Gnats
A plague of Locusts
A nest of Hornets
A cloud of Grasshoppers
An army of Caterpillars

Anyhow, you get the idea — just about everything fits in to some group or other and most of those groups have names…. some are obvious, some not so obvious, some are funny or strange and some are appropriate…. like, a gaggle of geese or a brood of hens — and what do you call a group of turkeys? A corporation.
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