Today (April 22) is Earth Day — a day when humans everywhere take a minute to be grateful for our planet and the amazing natural resources we’ve enjoyed…. at least so far.

Earth Day was started in 1970 by Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson. Senator Nelson was concerned that environmental issues were not being addressed in the political arena, especially after he witnessed the aftermath of an oil spill in California in 1969. He was inspired by Vietnam War protests to organized a nationwide grassroots demonstration to promote conservation awareness and involvement.
Nelson set his demonstration for April 22, 2970. He chose the date to fall between spring break and final exams in the hope that college students would participate. About 20 million Americans showed their support and it soon became the first official “Earth Day.”
Believe it or not, both republicans and democrats (in 1970) responded to the environmental conservation messages of Earth Day. The movement helped inspire the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA,) as well as the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species acts.
The campaign spread internationally and by 1990, 200 million people mobilized in 141 countries.
Today, people in more than 190 countries will participate with rallies, concerts, acts of service, and outdoor activities. One of the most popular Earth Day songs, Earth Anthem, was written in 2013 by Indian poet Abhay Kumar — it has been translated and recorded in all official UN languages.
This year we’re celebrating the 52nd Earth Day with the theme “Invest in Our Planet.” We all need to take an active part in saving out planet and figuring out new ways to do it. Socrates said, the secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.
However you choose to honor it, Earth Day is a great way to jumpstart a lifetime dedication to taking better care of our planet.
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