
Today’s subject is something I admit I don’t know much about (I know, you’re wondering how this is any different than everything else I write about) — but today is the beginning of Ramadan.
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim, Islamic calendar, a religious annual observance and month of fasting that is considered to be one of the five Pillars of Islam.

The Five Pillars of Islam include Sawm – fasting during Ramadan, Hajj – a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their life, Zakat – giving to the poor, Salat – five-time daily prayer, facing Mecca, including absolution prior to prayer, and Shalada – declaration of belief in one true God.

If a non-Muslim meets a Muslim during the month of Ramadan, the appropriate greeting for good wishes is “Ramadan Mubarak” which means “Have a blessed Ramadan.”

Ramadan falls on the ninth .lunar month in the Islamic Calendar. The lunar calendar means the start of each month is based on various factors, such as the sighting of the moon, so like all Islamic months, the beginning of Ramadan can move as many as 11 or 12 days each year. 

During Ramadan, Muslims are encouraged to read the Quran and in some countries it is a crime to ignore Ramadan and break the fast.
Throughout Ramadan, people fasting are expected to abstain from food, drinks and other pleasures from dawn to dusk. Participants are supposed to focus their mind on prayer, purity, spirituality and charity. Fasting is a reminder of the importance of self-control and the suffering of the poor. Ramadan fasting rules help to cleanse your body and mind. 

At the end of Ramadan there is a large festival called Eid ul Fitr to celebrate the end of the fast. Eid ul Fitr is celebrated by wearing one’s best clothes, giving gifts, having a large meal, and spending time with one’s family. Muslims also use this time to ask for forgiveness for sins and to praise Allah (God.)
So the month of Ramadan is a blessing. A time to reflect on cleansing, prayer, religion, and remembrance of those around us —  Ramadan Mubarak.
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