
I’m not sure why, but a few days ago I got an e-mail from someone that lives in our neighborhood. I didn’t recognize the name, so it must have come from one of the newer residents. But for some reason the e-mail was only addressed to 5 or 6 people — all residents of Deerfield Village. Why my name was chosen, I have no idea.

Anyhow, the text started out with “It’s a good thing I’m not calling the shots. The minute Putin sent his military across the Ukrainian border, I would have sent U.S. troops, tanks, jets, submarines, aircraft carriers….” Well, anyhow, you get the idea.

I’ve been a lot of places in the world during some pretty stressful times and I’ve never seen a situation where the solution is to “bomb the s***” out of someone or some place. This type of talk is “bar talk” — something you and your buddy say to each other while having a couple of beers at the bar. 

It seems like in the past few years I’m hearing more and more talk like this and it appears most people in the world (and the United States, especially) are ticked off about something, and often about pretty insignificant stuff. I’m not sure anyone under the age of 50 has ever bothered to read the Constitution and a lot of people seem to have lost sight as to what democracy is all about.
Winston Churchill once said, “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”
I’m thinking Winston may have been right….
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